Prune this Episode #27: Guide to Holiday plants Poinsettia at a farm in New York

History of Poinsettia Poinsettia is a succulent wildflower native to Mexico. The botanical name is Euphorbia pulcherrima (Yu-for’-be-a pul-ker-e-ma). The name ‘poinsettia’ comes from Joel Robert Poinsettia of the United States ambassador to Mexico during the 19th century. The red “flowers” are actually bracts (modified leaves). The actual flowers are the small yellow and […]

Prunethis Episode #23: How to care for my new tropical plant?

Have you ever bought a plant from your local nursery and had no idea how to care for it? Did you know that almost all the plants you buy at the store are tropical plants? In this quick clip Kathryn gives us tips on how figure out what kind of care our plant needs based […]

Prunethis Episode #21: Care of indoor plants in Fall & Winter

Learn to care for indoor plants in Fall & Winter. Remember this time of year is when plants often go into a dormant state because they do not have as many opportunities to photosynthesize. Kathryn provides tips as to when to prune, how to check soil, providing adequate light, what to do about yellowing and […]

Prunethis Episode #11: Guide to plant root Cuttings

Kathryn guides us through how to root plant cuttings. Do you have office or house plants to trim? Do you ever wonder what to do with the clippings? Learn how trim your tropical plants in this clip. Kathryn, the New Plant Lady on the web teaches us how to propagates plants. She provides simple steps […]