Prunethis Episode #9: How and why plants grow tall or grow bushy?

Do you ever wonder why plants grow tall or grow bushy? Kathryn discusses the basics of pruning and how plants grow taller or fuller. In this video Kathryn teaches us about two very important pruning terms; apical dominance and auxins. Knowledge of these terms will help all of you plant lovers learn how to trim […]

Prunethis Episode #5: Guide to pruning Dracaena family or Corn plants.

Guide to pruning and care of the Dracaena family or Corn plants. Kathryn shows different varieties of the Dracaena Family commonly called Corn plants. Learn how to prune, trim and fertilize this group of plants. The maintenance of these plants is very basic. They can withstand a lot of neglect. When grown indoors they can […]

Prunethis Episode #2: How to prune a common house plant the Corn Plant

Kathryn demonstrates how to prune a common house plant known as Dracaena Massangeana or the Corn Plant over time so it will always look great. Learn the origin of the plant, how they grow, the best time to prune and how to propagate a new plant yourself. Prune Away!
