Prune this Episode #27: Guide to Holiday plants Poinsettia at a farm in New York

History of Poinsettia Poinsettia is a succulent wildflower native to Mexico. The botanical name is Euphorbia pulcherrima (Yu-for’-be-a pul-ker-e-ma). The name ‘poinsettia’ comes from Joel Robert Poinsettia of the United States ambassador to Mexico during the 19th century. The red “flowers” are actually bracts (modified leaves). The actual flowers are the small yellow and […]

Prunethis Episode #10: How to Basics of Pruning House Plants

Kathryn demonstrates the basics of pruning of dwarf schefflera. In this video you will find plant care instructions on how to encourage successful new growth on your house plants or office plants. Remember pruning is like getting a hair cut. It does not take to much maintenance to keep your plants healthy. Kathryn shares simple […]